My own experience with blogs is limited to this class, I don’t read or post blogs regularly, but when I need to find out something or need to view the opinion of others, blogs are what I turn too. There is a blog written about anything and everything out their, for instance I tried to make a potato gun. I found a blog written by Eran Abarmson titled "How to make a Steam powered Potato Gun," it showed step by step how to make one.
Because blogs can be written by anyone, that means theirs a large vast variety of them available, more writers means more topics. This means if you’re looking to do something and want someone’s opinion on it; look to blogs most likely theirs one written about that topic.
Blogs are used for many of things; CNBC uses blogs to get news articles posted about upcoming news events, so viewers who don’t have a chance to see the news will still be updated on local, or world situations. Some blogs are written about life experiences, for example the blog titled “Hooked on Kids,” written by Wood. In it he talks about how he’s going to raise his new child and how he doesn't want to spoil it rotten, but yet be an awesome dad.
People into sports use Blogs to bash and criticize teams, or give their opinion how to make the perfect dream team, like in the blog "Y! Sports Blog." Some people write about stuff that pisses them off, like I did for this class (look at past posts.) Theirs no end to the topics discussed in blogs; in fact if you wrote a blog about blog topics, which most likely exists, it would go on for ever discussing all the vast varieties of options available.
All these different uses for blogs have an out come on out culture today. We are a culture of knowledge, so getting instant access allows us to be knowledgeable with information. However, the information isn’t always true, theirs no fact checkers for blogs. The opinions are always skewed in favor of the author, so the information presented in a lot of blogs may sound good, but might not always be true.
So we in essence may start to loose our own opinion if we allow the opinions of bloggers to warp our minds. Blogs could lead our young youth down a path of false information. You, as a reader, must be careful to interpret stuff in blogs as truth or fiction. If you really want to know if it’s true find several sources backing the same information.
Blogs can lead our generation into a new world of communication; we can read what’s happening around the world and the opinions of people from that part of the world. We can share ideas faster and more effectively using blogs. Blogs are going to change our culture and ideas weather we like it or not, like any civilization the flow of new ideas change the culture, even smallest ideas can change culture in the biggest ways. So blogging like any other form of communication will also have this effect. Possibly even more than others because blogs can be accessed anytime and anywhere theirs a computer; a constant source of ideas at our fingertips day and night.

Nice post and I really like your last line--"a constant source of ideas at our fingertips day and night."--awesome, and so true that statement is.
Thanks again for commenting on my last post; and remember, per your comment--I was burnt out on church as well; and yes, my list was long too; however, I found just changing the church "venue" helps greatly.
God bless you, FT
A very nice sense of focus here, with a bit of a caveat at the end. Your suggestion that blogs can be misleading: do you feel that this is more or less so of blogs than other forms of communication, or is it about the same?
Thanks for a great class.
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